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Все стихи по "Гарри Поттеру"

Dementor’s kiss

Deeper than fear,
Darker than death,
Chilling and freezing,
Taking the breath.
Shadow of emptiness –
Hungry black hole.
Eating your memories,
Drinking your soul,

Deadening and deafening,
Swallowing sense.
When it’s beside you
There’s no defense.
Oceans of sadness
Rising in you,
Blinding pure madness,
Nightmares come true.

Consuming emotions,
Absorbing the dreams,
Filling your body
With millions of screams,
Leaves you dispirited,
Broken, destroyed,
Steals every moment
You’ve ever enjoyed.

Night with no morning,
A gulf, an abyss…
Stay – the dementor
Blows you a kiss…

Все стихи по "Гарри Поттеру"
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