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Все стихи по "Гарри Поттеру"

Harry's on Cedric Diggory's death
...remember what happened to a boy, who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort.
Remember Cedric Diggory.
- Albus Dumbledore in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

He's Dead

One flash - he's dead.
So fast. So plain.
The dreams he had
Were all in vain.

A blink ago
He smiled, and yet
It's no more so -
He's dead. Just dead.

No guilt, no sin,
He's meant no bad,
No dark within…
Why is he dead?

On his pale face
Surprise I've read.
A sad disgrace
Of death unsaid…

With ease they kill,
Not saying why
At their will
A man should die.

Ambition's bare
And dreams are mad.
They just don't care
A man is dead.


Все стихи по "Гарри Поттеру"
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